I can't seem to stop myself from writing something in my blog so from now on, with or without pictures, i will write still. My laptop is not yet fix and I have not yet buy a new one because of lack of means. Anyway, I believe it will come soon.
I had my new assignment last month. From the minor seminary, I was transferred to the major seminary as a spiritual director at the SFY (Spiritual Formation Year). We already started the program with a recollection with Bishop Rene Mayugba followed by the Genealogy of each seminarians. With much things discovered from their family, we continued with their vocation stories. They had the Enneagram after their reflection and rest day from the previous activities.
The last activity which i really joined and enjoyed was the Inner Dance. The Inner Dance is an activity that helps one to recognize and to be aware of the inner energy that naturall flows from our bodies which can actually help us into an inner meditation and be one with the real Energy.
Here, we also learned how to help others do the Inner Dance. We also get to know the different Chakras of the body, how to interpret the different colors of the Aura and they also taught us some techniques of body massage which I find it more as a body stetching.
Now, the interview for the CPE is going on. I think I have to join this again because I find it necessary and helpful for my spiritual direction.
That is all for now. I hope I can give time for blogging.